Laura Atwell
Years In Rumson: Total 50 years
Job/Career: Retired. Previously telecommunications professional with Bellcore, Telcordia, Avaya and T-Mobile. Product and project management, finance manager and senior business analyst
Length of Time on Council Second term. 4.5 years. Voted Council President, May 2018
Community Organizations
- St. George’s-by-the-River – Member of Adult Choir, Hospitality, Altar Guild, Canterbury Fair and Canterbury Art Fair. Canterbury Fair Co-Chair 2000 and Chairman 2001, former Vestry member and Assistant Treasurer
- Family Promise of Monmouth County – affiliate of National Family Promise – committed to advocating for innovative solutions to ending family homelessness. Providing shelter, comprehensive case management, transportation and food.
Top Five Council accomplishments:
- Partnership with Monmouth University to build an Environmental Field Station on Borough property
- Creation and implementation of the Borough of Rumson Historic Preservation Commission website, documenting all properties in Rumson over 100 years old and historic town information
- Implementation of an Historic Preservation Commission Award Program
- Upgrade to Piping Rock Park to begin in Summer 2018
- Reinstating the Borough Newsletter and creating content for publication
Three things you would like to see completed during your next term in office:
- Completion of Monmouth Marine Environmental Field Station and in partnership with Monmouth University
- Additional road, curb and sidewalk improvements
- Additional sewer system capital improvements
Three reasons why Rumson is a great town to live in:
- Rumson services are outstanding and it has always been a well run town, where taxes are reasonable for the level of services and excellent school system
- Proximity to New York and cultural opportunities, the ocean and waterways
- Small town feel – residents caring for their neighbors and fellow residents