John J. Conklin III
Years in Rumson: Moved to Rumson in 1962 and lived here thru 1980. Then moved back to Rumson in 1994
Job/Career: Currently I am a private investor. Previously was President of Banc of America Specialist, the third largest specialist firm on the New York Stock Exchange. Certified Public Accountant (Inactive).
Length of Time on Council Joined Council in January, 2015. Chairman-Finance Committee
Community Organizations
Served for 19 years on the Rumson Zoning Board of Adjustment. I was Chairman of the Zoning Board for 12 years and oversaw a wide array of applications.
Currently I am the Borough Council liaison to the Navesink River Municipalities Commission (NRMC). The Commission works with neighboring communities along with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to help ensure the continued viability and health of the Navesink River.
In 2013, I joined the Board of Directors for THANC (Thyroid, Head and Neck Cancer). The New York based foundation is committed to supporting research and education in the early treatment of thyroid, head and neck cancer. Serve on the Finance/Investment and Audit committees.
Served for over 10 years on the Board of Trustees of the Spring House, an Eatontown N.J. based transitional home for women. Was Treasurer for 3 years.
Volunteer coach in a variety of sports for Rumson Recreation for over 10 years.
Top Five Council accomplishments:
Outsource Garbage Pickup— Most important priority was that this cost saving initiative be achieved without a single layoff. The original economic benefit was in excess of $350,000. In addition, the future capital expenditures for garbage trucks along with the resultant operating expenses (fuel, tires, general maintenance, pension, long term health benefits)— future liabilities—were reduced.
Oceanic Bridge outflow—At a NRMC meeting I was alerted by NJDEP to a potential problematic outflow pipe under the Oceanic Bridge. Helped coordinate with Borough Engineer and Monmouth County to determine that the pipe was not an issue.
Hiring Borough Engineer— Based upon a cost benefit analysis, the Council determined it was cost effective to hire an in house engineer. This hire has enabled the Borough to be more responsive to residents regarding engineering and building issues (including the Deane Porter pond project)
Sewer Infrastructure—As a result of my initiative, the Borough Administrator, Borough Engineer and I were able to present a comprehensive plan to the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank(currently called the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust) in the hope of obtaining attractive financing terms for a sewer infrastructure upgrade. This will be more cost efficient than a bond issue due to lower interest rate and the reduction/elimination of underwriting and legal costs.
Center and Washington Ave. road/curb work— The initial response was negative and that the plan would reduce property values. Through a meticulous plan coordinated by the Borough Administrator all resident concerns were addressed. The process undertaken is now the template for future road and curb projects and has probably increased property values on those streets.
Forward Thinking–As Zoning Board Chairman and in discussion with the Borough Administrator, we noticed that there was little outdoor dining in Rumson. We developed a comprehensive outdoor dining ordinance which balanced the needs of the restaurants with those of the residents.
Three things you would like to see completed during your next term in office:
Each day many wake up in this beautiful community and are thankful for such a grace. Rumson financial strength is rated Aaa by Moody’s. However, there are many fast moving challenges such as the demands of the new residents (ability to walk to town, smaller lots); implications of the new federal tax law regarding property tax deductions; removal of the 2% cap; need for infrastructure spending. Over the next three years, I anticipate that there will be more clarity on the long term implications for Rumson surrounding these issues. I will be laser focus on incorporating these issues to ensure that Rumson maintains its financial strength.
After a full-fledged collaborative effort with residents, I look forward to the completion of the Piping Rock renovation project.
Affordable housing (COAH) has been an ongoing issue for Rumson and other New Jersey communities for close to two decades. As Zoning Board Chairman I oversaw the application of two sites which provided affordable units in Rumson. I look forward to the settlement of the ongoing litigation so that Rumson can address our affordable housing mandate.
Three reasons why Rumson is a great town to live in:
One of my children, a young adult, answered the question as follows:
“Rumson is a place that values family and tradition and all the good things that surrounds that. Great schools. Beautiful place to live. A place you can always call home and go back to and feel like you still have a home there. Rich in community and those values. Filled with people you can count on and a place that values its people.”
“Tradition/history is a great part of the town but has the capabilities and ability to move forward, adapt and grow.”
I concur wholeheartedly.
Location—Just a short walk over the Sea Bright bridge to the beach. Magnificent Sandy Hook. New York City can be reached via the ferry in a little more than an hour. Nestled on a beautiful peninsula between the majestic Navesink River and the beautiful Shrewsbury River. Less than an hour to Newark Airport.
Schools-My three adult children attended Rumson Fair Haven High School and were very well prepared for their college endeavors.