Gary Allen Casazza
Years In Rumson: 36 years
Job/Career:. I am a Builder, developer and importer of factory made construction products.
Length of Time on Council: 2 years
Community Organizations: Knights of Columbus, Shrewsbury River Yacht Club, Root Beer and Checker Club
Top Five Council accomplishments: The Grants obtained by Tom and Dave, The Tax Rate for the Towns portion portion of taxes, The Piping Rock project
Three things you would like to see completed during your next term in office: Build more affordable housing in a way that keeps the town character, Complete the project with Monmouth University and Improve the quality of the water in the river and the quality of the air in Rumson. The sewer authority needs to improve the quality of the air omitted by the handling of waste product. The smell coming from the sewer authority the last year has been horrendous.
Three reasons why Rumson is a great town to live in: The People, The River, The History